About Us
9th Wonder Financial
9th Wonder Financial is a premier Insurance Marketing Organization for independent insurance agents and agency builders. Designed from the ground up by industry veterans, 9th Wonder provides a proven system that works for anyone. With the driving force of progressive technology, an exclusive lead program, a competitive product portfolio, and state-of-the-art training, 9th Wonder has created a company for independent Medicare brokers to develop a profitable life insurance component to their business while solidifying their Medicare book of business. For life insurance agents, we provide unique programs and resources that are unmatched in the industry.
Delivering Quality Prospects
The success of our agents is, and always will be, our chief concern. At 9th Wonder Financial, we will help you design a marketing and prospecting plan that is customized to fit your business needs and goals. The one thing that stands in the way of most salespeople’s success is finding people who want and need their product. We will assist you in eliminating that problem with our exclusive lead program, multi-channel marketing campaigns, grassroots community marketing programs, and sales training that will show you how to make your clients into ambassadors for your business.
Carrier Partnerships
Everyone wants to ensure that their family is protected and provided for, no matter what happens. At 9th Wonder Financial, we have partnered with the top life insurance companies to provide our agents with a comprehensive portfolio of Mortgage Protection, Final Expense, Living Benefits, and Indexed Universal Life insurance products.
With these products, our agents are able to offer competitive rates at any level of coverage, and are able to build and maintain a diverse book of business.
For those who wish to work with 9th Wonder on both life insurance and Medicare, we offer a complete portfolio of Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, and Prescription Drug Plans.
State-of-the-Art Training
The success of our agents is measured by the strength of our training platform. With that in mind, 9th Wonder Financial has built, and continues to refine, what we sincerely believe to be the greatest educational platform in the insurance industry. All agents have immediate access to our Training Center platform. This extensive training database includes online training videos, recorded conference calls, educational webinars, podcasts, online training courses, training documents, and more!
Our executive and management teams will work with you to ensure that your first client opportunities are successful – from greeting to policy issue – every step of the way.
Agent-Focused Technology
9th Wonder Financial is dedicated to providing the agent with everything they need to succeed, and even some things they didn’t know they needed! On the life insurance side, you will have illustration, quoting, and risk assessment tools online at your disposal. Medicare brokers will have access to Sunfire, which allows you to enroll clients remotely in Medicare Advantage programs, providing Scope of Appointment forms and storage, plan searches and electronic enrollment tools all in one place.
9th Wonder Financial agents are committed to providing outstanding service to our clients, prospective clients and policyholders. Our dedication to the client above all else sets 9th Wonder Financial apart in a world where service is often being provided by bots, kiosks, and automation. We believe that true Customer Service cannot and should not be automated. There is no substitute for good, old-fashioned service and courtesy. Our mission is to provide the highest level of personal service possible, to treat our clients like family.
When our agents provide outstanding personal service, clients become ambassadors. They can provide an enthusiastic endorsement and recommendation to friends and family who need good, honest, professional advice with their life insurance, annuity, or Medicare needs.
To the executive and management team of 9th Wonder Financial’s leadership, our agents and brokers are our “clients.” We are here to provide our team members with the very best service, training, products, and resources to assist them in their mission to be the best that they can be. This is how we’ve grown our agency to over 100 contracted agents, with new team members joining us each and every week.
9th Wonder is
Built On Core Values
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